100% Best Working Dua For Protection From Enemy
Are you afraid from enemies? Are you want to protection from enemies? if yes then recite 100% Best Working Dua For Protection From Enemy, it is full prof and tested quranic solution to protect from enemy. Do you have enemies around you and want to protect yourself and your loved ones from them? Do you also know that Allah has revealed many duas in his Holy Quran that aim to provide you protection and comfort from all these situations?
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20 Amazing Rules To Reciting Any Dua or Wazifa
We are here to let you know the “dua for protection from the enemy” to keep yourself and your family safe every time, no matter where ‘you’ or ‘they’ are and what ‘you’ or ‘they’ are doing. But, it is necessary to have strong faith in Allah as nothing can happen without his will. So, let’s quickly begin with our “dua for protection from the enemy”.
Which Dua Need To Recite For Protection From Enemy?
“Allaahumma ‘innaa naj’aluka fee nuhoorihim wa na’oothu bika min shuroorihim.”
How To Do 100% Best Working Dua For Protection From Enemy?
This is one of the most powerful “dua for protection from the enemy”. You can chant it anytime you fear your enemy and blow it into yourself and your loved ones. You can also recite this “dua for protection from the enemy” before going to sleep 100 times. Or you can even recite this “dua for protection from the enemy” as many times you can in the day while working. This dua for protection from the enemy will surely help you and your loved ones stay safe and out of harm from your enemies.
You can even recite this “dua for protection from the enemy” while going outside to protect you from any misshaping. This “dua for protection from enemy” is so powerful that your enemy can even not touch you as Allah will take you in his defense from every enemy and evils. So, try it now to protect you and your loving family.
5 Amazing Dua For Victory Over Enemy
If you want to get victory over your enemy then recite 5 Amazing Dua For Victory Over Enemy, it will surly defeat your enemies. Here is another powerful dua for victory over the enemy to all those suffering dramatic causes of physical and financial attacks from their enemies in their life. Allah will provide you win over your enemies and even punish them with the help of our powerful “dua for victory over the enemy”.
So, if you want victory over the enemy, then you only need to turn to Allah and practice our given powerful “dua for victory over the enemy”. But, it would help if you were calm as miracles of Allah may sometimes take time, but he will never let you down. Therefore, you need to have strong faith in Allah that he will surely be helpful to you. This powerful “dua for victory over an enemy” will make your enemy so busy with his troubles that he wouldn’t even think of a problem you anymore…isn’t it interesting? So, what are you waiting for? Go ahead and practice this “Dua For Victory Over Enemy” now.
How To Do 5 Amazing Dua For Victory Over Enemy?
Step wise process for the powerful dua for victory over the enemy
The steps that should be taken to perform this powerful “dua for victory over the enemy” are as follows:
- At first you need to sit in a peaceful place with proper wudu (ablution) at any fraction of time whenever you are free.
- Next, you have to recite Durood Shareef 100 times.
- After that, you have to recite Surah Ikhlaas 400 times.
- Now again, recite Durood Shareef 100 times in the end.
- At last, you need to weep in front of Allah and ask him to protect you and your loved ones from the enemy and provide victory over the enemy so that you can live peacefully and happily with your family.
Allah will answer your prayers after performing this powerful “dua for victory over the enemy” and provide you the favorable results as soon as possible. You only need to have patience and trust Allah as you can to win the battles.
6 Powerful Dua To Shut Enemies Mouth
So want to shut your enemies mouth? you need to recite 6 Powerful Dua To Shut Enemies Mouth, it will shut your enemies mouth and you will win over your enemies. Are you fed up with your enemy’s annoying words that make you feel embarrassed or criticize you in front of everyone? Do you want to shut them down? Well, we have the solution for you. Nowadays, this world is full of enemies rather than loved ones.
Many people around us don’t like us and can’t even see us happy or successful in our life, and that’s why they only find ways to make us trouble. The things they call us make us feel ashamed, or we just get annoyed by their behavior. In this typical situation, we can only turn to Allah and practice our given “dua to shut enemies’ mouths” forever. This “dua to shut enemies’ mouth” works and is proven by many people. So, why don’t you also try once?
How To Do 6 Powerful Dua To Shut Enemies Mouth?
Step wise process for the dua to shut enemy mouth
The steps that should be taken to perform this “dua to shut enemies mouth” are as follows:
- You need to grab a black string and perform this “dua to shut enemies mouth” after the night (Isha) prayer.
- After performing the obligatory prayer, you need to recite Surah Fatiha
- Then, you have to blow it on the black string and make a knot while taking the name of your enemy.
- Again, recite Surah Fatiha, blow it on the string, and make another knot while murmuring the name of your enemy.
- You need to repeat this process seven times and make 7 knots.
- At last, you have to tie this string to your arm.
And you’re free from every bad word of your enemy Inshallah.
7 Strong Dua To Get Rid of Enemy
If you want to get rid of your enemy then you need to recite 7 Strong Dua To Get Rid of Enemy, it will surly provide you rid from your enemy. Whether your enemy is in the family or outside, you must make sure that you don’t indulge in violence with them. If you have faith in Allah, you don’t need to betray anyone. If you are honest, innocent, and true in the eye of Allah, then you only need to seek Allah’s help, and he will defend your enemy Inshallah.
If you want to get rid of your enemy forever, then our working and 100% proven “dua to get rid of the enemy” will help you! But, you need to follow some important steps to perform this “dua to get rid of the enemy”, which is explained below. So, just quickly jump into it.
How To Do 7 Strong Dua To Get Rid of Enemy?
Step wise process for the dua to get rid of the enemy
The steps that should be taken to perform this “dua to get rid of the enemy” are as follows:
- It is mandatory to perform every obligatory prayer every day and give charity and food to the poor and needy to perform this “dua to get rid of the enemy”.
- You must perform this “Dua To Get Rid of Enemy” after the sunset.
- First, clean your body, soul, and mind and perform a fresh wudu (ablution).
- Now, you must take a lemon with you to perform this “dua to get rid of the enemy”.
- Next, you have to chant “Bismillah hirRa’hmaannirRa’heem” 1000 times.
- After that, you have to recite “Allaahumma ‘innaanaj’aluka fee nuhoorihimwana’oothubika min shuroorihim” 11 times.
- Here is the important step, you need to now think of your enemy in your mind and recite Surah Kausar 1000 times. Remember to blow on the lemon while taking the name of your enemy after chanting Surah Kausar every 100th
- At last, you have to recite Durood-E-Ibrahim 11 times.
You need to perform this dua to continuously get rid of enemy for 21 days and remember to blow on the same lemon daily. You have to throw this lemon in a well or river on the last day of this “dua to get rid of the enemy”. Inshallah, Allah will help you to make your enemy get rid of your way forever.
10 Tested Dua To Destroy Enemy
Are you want to completely destroy your enemy? it is not good idea according to quran, but when all methods are fails then this is a single dua that will solve your problem. to Destroy your enemy you need to recite 10 Tested Dua To Destroy Enemy, it will given you intimidate result. Is your enemy harming you or ruined away your life? Do you also want to take revenge on them?
We must say that it’s nothing but high time to turn to Allah. If someone is harming you without you doing anything wrong with them, then Allah has an eye on them and will punish them one day, Inshallah. You only need to pray to Allah, who will solve your issue to destroy your enemy so that they will never hurt or harm you anymore. Want to know how to do it? Please scroll down to learn the entire process and perform it wisely for the best results.
How To Do 10 Tested Dua To Destroy Enemy?
Step wise process for the dua to destroy enemy
The steps that should be taken to perform this “dua to destroy the enemy” are as follows:
- You need to complete this “dua to destroy the enemy” on Friday.
- You must take a shower and wear clean clothes.
- Also, use some fragrance (Itr) on you.
- Next, you must sit on the prayer mat in a clean and peaceful place.
- You need to perform evening (Magrib) prayer and then start performing this ritual.
- You must first narrate to Durood Shareef 100 times.
- Then, you must recite Surah Taha (Verse 74) 255 times.
- Now, you have to read Surah-An-Nur 786 times.
- After that, you must recite Durood Shareef once again 51 times.
- Then, you have to repeat Surah Ikhlas 400 times.
You only need to perform this “dua to destroy the enemy” for 11 days and see the benefits. Remember not to share this dua with anyone as it will not work effectively otherwise. Allah will surely punish your enemy for all the wrong things they have done with you with the help of our “dua to destroy the enemy”. Try it today to make your life secure and happy ever after.
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#victory #over #to #shut #enemies
#mouth #get #rid #of #destroy